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Consume Less

Some monkey at actually wrote that as a response to what individuals can do about global warming.

Yes, consume less. Not 'think about a way to solve global warming' or 'create ways to turn potentially bad things into good things.' With that kind of thinking we would never have;

*Penicillin, because it came from mold. A bad thing.


*Domesticated livestock, because the Al Gore running the ancient tribe when hunting got difficult would have created birth control for population reduction and told people to 'consume less.'

Which would have been fine, until a smart tribe that raised its own cattle grew to 10x the size of Al Gore's tribe and overran them.

I can go on but the topic is too silly to spend much more time on. I should go back to ranting about Laurie David. She is as bright as the guy who wrote that 'consume less' drivel.

I swear, I am often baffled why the 'scientists' over their get paid at all. Granted, it is only $70 a month, so in line with what they are worth, but it's still too much. Not a single other person had anything to offer beyond the 'consume less' mantra.

No interesting concepts like "take some of the money you want to lose in consumption and production and invest it in solving the problem" or anything even close. Because we wouldn't want to burden those people with being actual scientists.

'Consume less.' And send scientific progress back to the Stone Age.

Comments on "Consume Less"


Blogger Gard said ... (5:31 AM) : 

Please view the 20 minute movie at and you will see that "consume less" is actually one of the best actions you can take against global warming.

You could also see all four episodes of the excellent documentary "The Planet" made by the public Swedish Broadcasting which describes it more in detail what is the problem with our rate of consumpition:


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (4:57 PM) : 

"Consumer confidence index" is a measure of the economic stability. What will happen if more people will limit consumption? Is this unpatriotic?


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